Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So this is the animated version of me!

An avatar can be a computerised image of one's self or a selected character. It is designed to be a user-generated technology that can be inserted into your blog, email or profile.

I chose to create a Voki avatar for my blog. It was surprisingly easy to use, and took me through a step-by-step process. There was an enormous range of options for my character's clothing, appearance and voice. Voki was created by an American based company called Oddcast, who aim to make the sharing of information more engaging.

I am planning on using this program in the coming weeks of my school prac, during my science lessons. I believe it to be a great tool for transmitting knowledge. I did however, find that the text-to-voice audio can become very monotonous, especially for young children to listen to. I would suggest that a user should either record their own or a colleagues' voice. Alternatively, if the standard audio is required, the user needs to make their character's appearance more interesting.

Overall, a useful, interactive and innovated tool to use in the classroom.


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